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The magazine Nuova Elettronica in number 232 (September / October 2007) published the article Oscilloscopio e Analizzatore di Spettro per PC in which the software Visual Analyser is integrated with a proprietary external hardware in order to realize a complete set of electronic measurement instrumentation. A special thanks to the editorial staff of the magazine for the permission to publish the article in this web site. The magazine Nuova Elettronica in number 233 (November / December 2007) published another article in which the software Visual Analyser is used in order to explain the Fourier analysis. For this purpose, the VA function generator and visual tool has been used. The renowned IMEKO International Measurement Confederation accepted an article about Visual Analyser for its 16th symposium (PDF available here) and also selected it for an oral presentation. The presentation, which I authored and delivered on September 22, 2008.) The magazine Nuova Elettronica in number 238 published an article about the THD measurement . It is very very good (well done, Giacomo!) but unfortunately only in Italian. You can download it from here.
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